Monday, April 12, 2010

Last Day of Boot Camp

I come up with such creative names for my blog posts, don't I?

Last Monday was our last boot camp. Mike, our instructor, is heading to Afghanistan with the Marines and will be gone a year. We're going to be sending him care packages full of fruit snacks and juice boxes. :)

(Clockwise from top left: Beth, Noelle, Mike, Tricia, Lisa, Me, Michelle, Karyn, Kelly, CJ, Annabelle. Minus Melissa who wasn't there and Allyson and Megan who'd left already.)

The pregnant girls. AKA they-who just-do-lunges-and-squats-while-everyone-else-pushes-the-bags-down-the-track. Doing lunges and squats all the times gets boring. I miss my regular work outs. I even miss pushing the bags. This was Monday, Megan had her baby Thursday. I'm impressed.

Getting instructions for this round of pushing the bags.

And they're off. I'd do a side squat. Snap a picture. Squat. Picture. Repeat.

Me and Lisa with Mike. We'll miss him.

In the back parking lot. Push-ups and sprints, always fun.

(Me and Karyn)

(Michelle and Allyson)

For now, we're meeting on our own every Monday morning. We're supposed to get a new, interim instructor next month some time. We'll all be waiting for March 2011, though and Mike's safe return. Me especially - I'm going to need to lose this baby weight I'm so quickly packing on!

This layout is from the April WCS gallery. It was all about connections. For me, it's the girls I work out with. We just started taking boot camp last April (when it started being offered in the morning). Lisa and I were already friends, and we knew Kelly, although not well. But over the past year, we've all become friends - play dates, the park, dinner, Facebook, Tupperware and Lia Sophia parties. It's fantastic. I never would've thought I'd get so much more than a workout from boot camp.
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Marie said...

This makes me sad. And hopeful for his safe return!

rachel m said...

you are my hero. doing pushups on the side walk while being pregnant!
deployments are rough! I can't wait for the post when he returns!

Rebekah said...

what a great post, E! you're looking good, my friend!! and what a blessing to have such a great group of girl friends!! :)