And just before this one
She took her first step. She moved one foot forward in an itty bitty step, then pulled her other foot right next to it. Then she plopped down. In my amazement of this, I forgot to note which foot went first. I think it was her right one though. 10 months and 1 day when she took her first step. So cool. Nothing today though. And I really wish she'd just walk already. She so wants to. And we'd all be a lot happier if she was walking. She could get where she wanted to go and we wouldn't have her grabbing us all the time. Although, once she walks, I'll be wishing for the days she grabbed us and held on. So maybe I don't want her to walk after all...
exciting!!! i forsee a layout i think :)
How sweet! She'll be running in no time...
Exciting stuff! She'll be chasing her big sister in no time ;-)
it's the catch 22 of babies! You want them to reach their next milestone but in the next moment you wish they would stay just a baby a little longer! 10 months & a first step! She's got to get walking to keep up with emma! so cute!
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