2. Today, I think the most steps she took were 3 or 4. But she was doing it on her own, without us coaxing her.
3. She can go from sitting to standing to taking a few steps all her own, without leaning on the couch/table/us.
4. Tomorrow (or today, depending when I get this posted) she's 11 months old.
5. Which means we're having a first birthday party in one month. Absolutely crazy.
6. Monday at the fitness center I thought this guy was going to run us over. (I know, total change of subject. But I'll be doing a Mackenzie's-11-months-old post this week so I'll save the rest of what I was going to write about her for that.) We were walking from our car to the fitness center when this car we were passing started backing up. I yelled something along the lines of "Hey hey hey hey hey!!" (Okay, so it was exactly that.) and he stopped. Then he rolled down his window and told me, as he was on his cell phone, (for the record, I talk on my phone in the car, but usually not when backing up/in bad weather, heavy traffic and making turns in busy intersections or on busy roads) "I saw you there. I saw you, I knew you were there." Hmm...so then why were you backing up? Did you really need to back up those 12 inches while I was behind you? You couldn't wait until I passed by? You HAD to do scare the crap out of me? It was annoying.
7. We had our ducts cleaned today, so there was this really big black tube that went from their truck down to our basement. Emma called in a trombone. Numerous times. I said to Michael, "I didn't know she knew what a trombone was." He said, "Obviously she doesn't."
8. I've discovered a great way to cut down on our grocery bill. Don't go grocery shopping. Of course this means Michael keeps having to take PB&J for lunch and I'm scrambling for dinners, but it's saved us money. ;)
9. Michael has to have surgery again Thursday. Nothing big, just to remove two screws. Hopefully within a month he'll be crutches and boot free.
10. Emma finally has something hung in her room. A shelf. She's been in this room since last August and I never hung anything up. But last week I got the shelf, one my dad had made for me a long time ago, painted and tonight Michael hung it up. Now to order this picture and three others from the same Etsy designer and hang them above her bed. I also have some letters that spell out her name to paint and get hung. And then her room will finally be done.