Monday, September 21, 2009

monkey see, monkey do.

Whatever Emma does, Mackenzie does.

1. Saturday after Brett's football game, Emma was running on the field with her hands behind her back. Mackenzie ran out after her, with her hands behind her back.

2. Sunday Emma was in dress-up shoes and got on the coffee table. We told her to get down because she knows she can't stand on there with shoes on. As she's getting down, Mackenzie climbs up, with dress-up shoes in hand.

3. Emma wants something to drink, Mackenzie wants something to drink.

4. Emma says she's done eating and asks to be excused, Mackenzie says "all done!"

5. Emma gets up on her bed, Mackenzie wants up there.

6. Emma yells, Mackenzie yells.

7. Emma dances, Mackenzie dances.

8. Emma jumps, Mackenzie jumps.

9. And on and on and on...

If only Mackenzie would've done what Emma was doing - smiling - for this picture. Instead, she was shoving goldfish in her mouth.

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1 comment:

Marie said...

hahaha-i love where you went with this :)