Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

1. Went to Zumba tonight. First time in a few weeks. I still love Zumba. The going an hour early to get a pass, going home for a half hour then going back up there so I can get a spot 15 before class starts? Not as much.

2. For some reason, last week Mackenzie thought she'd eat Bitty Baby's hand.

3. Shortly after, she made this face.

4. Butterfly at the zoo. I've never seen anything like it before.

5. When I was in Virginia for my Grandma's funeral, I lost track of how many times I heard, "I wish it wasn't under these circumstances, but it is so nice to see you." Or some version of it. And it's true. While we no one wanted us to all be together because my Grandma had passed away, it was nice to have everyone together. Granted, most of them see each other all the time, it's us northerners who don't get down there too often.

6. I only have three cousins, first cousins that is, and I think this might be the first picture of all of us together since we were kids.

(Brandi, Rachelle, my sister Tara, Jeff)

7. Snail at my Uncle Hugh's. I'm not sure I've ever actually seen a snail in person before.

8. My cousin Kelly. My mom and Kelly's dad are first cousins. My SIL Abby and I were just discussing if Kelly is my second or third cousin. I thought second. She thought third. Anyone know? I could just Google it, of course.

9. Emma likes chocolate ice cream. A lot.

10. We're going camping this weekend! Our annual camping trip has been moved up a couple weeks. Lots to do to get ready. Big list. Many errands.


Missy said...

Maya has that shirt that Emma is wearing with the chocolate ice cream!

Kelly said...

I *think* we are second cousins, once removed. Something like that!

Mary said...

I'm pretty sure you are just second cousins. The removing comes when you start figuring the different generations like your mom & kelly would be first cousins, once removed; Emma & Mackenzie would be Kelly's second cousin, once removed. My mom & her cousins always discuss this sort of thing - so very confusing!