37 weeks along = 20 days to go until the boy is here. I'm so ready for September 28th and the c-section. Everything is pretty much ready for the boy to arrive, meaning all I've got is one more load of his clothes to wash and the valance to hang when it arrives. Therefore were he to arrive early, I wouldn't panic. Well, I wouldn't panic that we weren't ready. I would be panicking because I do not want to go in to labor, thankyouverymuch. I want to go to the hospital at 5:30 on a Tuesday, sit in a bed for two hours, then get up and walk in to the operating room and magically have a baby a few minutes later. The going in to labor thing would be an entirely new experience, and one I'm good with never having experienced at this point!
Sunday my sister-in-law Abby took some pictures for me. I took a couple the beginning of last week, but other than that it'd been 4 or 5 weeks since I'd had a belly shot. I've gotten much larger in that time, which I'm reminded of because people tell me when they haven't seen me in a couple weeks. Memo to self regarding pregnant woman - don't tell them how much bigger they've gotten.
36 weeks, 4 days:

Nothing too exciting going on pregnancy -wise though. Check-ups have been fine. Baby looked good at my ultrasound last week -he was about 6lbs 3 oz and not cooperative. He is still moving around like crazy. I'm still feeling pretty good, but definitely getting slower. Still working out, although at this point I could go without the exercising and be fine with it. But I've made it this far so I refuse to stop. My plan is work out through the Friday before my c-section.
The dumb Restless Leg Syndrome is getting worse as it's now bothering me during the day. Back pain. Hip pain. Same old stuff. Nothing serious. Nothing I should really be complaining about, just normal pregnancy stuff. As I've said before, compared to the girls' pregnancy, this has been a piece of cake. I thought I was going to miss out on the cool dark line down the middle of my belly but in the last week it's started to show up. Faintly, but it's there.
I've been cleaning and organizing like crazy, trying to get through my massive to-do list. Most of it is nothing that has to be done before he comes, just stuff that would be nice to have done. But if I don't get to it, I'm not worried. Today I checked off spray-painting picture frames, cleaning out the bathroom drawers and the silverware drawer.
And with that, I'm heading back to the floor (my least favorite place to sit at this point) to continue sorting through boxes of crap in my scrapbook area. Cards, keepsakes and junk. Lots of throwing away going on and it feels good. And looks much cleaner, too.