So I’m going to work backwards until I’m caught up. I’ve really been slacking on the blog and I don’t have an excuse, since I’m home all day, every day…well most days!
Emma is growing like a weed! I can’t believe how big she’s gotten. She’ll be 5 months on Saturday and that following Monday we’re going to start rice cereal. I could’ve started it last month, but we’re not really in any hurry. She started sucking her toes a few days ago. Drives Michael crazy! Ha ha! And we’ve been putting her in the jumper, both the doorway one from Tara’s kids and a Jumperoo that is in the living room. She grabs at anything – hair, food, plates, books, the remote – if it’s in her reach it’s going in her mouth. And if she can’t pick it up, well then her mouth goes to it!
Here are some pictures from the last week or so.
First up, Emma on Sunday at Michael’s game. Grandma Sweeney was holding her. As you can see, she was intently watching the game and not paying any attention to me at all. (7/9/06)
Fourth of July was spent at Michael’s cousin’s. It was pretty rainy which worked out for us, we didn’t have to worry about Emma getting overheated or sunburned. This girl is a mini Gene Simmons from KISS. She is always sticking her tongue out, moving it around, licking her lips. It’s hilarious! (7/4/06)
And this is what happens when you don’t strap Emma into the bouncy seat. She wiggles her way down until her butt is hanging off. Didn’t seem to bother her too much though. (7/3/06)