Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. Soccer practice was cancelled tonight because of a storm that came through. Emma was very sad. And when the storm was over, she asked if she could go to practice since it wasn't raining anymore. I had to explain again what practice being cancelled meant.

2. This picture is from the game Saturday when Emma scored a goal. Love that I actually captured her kicking it in.

3. All the girls' fall clothes are washed and put away in their closet. Very glad that's done.

4. Our fitness center has added a new fitness class - T-Bow. It's great. Versatile. Fun. The only downside is I can't do everything with it at this point. I'm still going, but doing a modified workout with it. Can't wait until I can do it full-strength.

5. Emma has mentioned trying to ride her bike without training wheels a few times this summer, so Sunday when we were at Michael's parents we gave it a try. They have a huge, flat yard so it was perfect. She used Mackenzie's bike so if she fell, it wasn't quite as far. She lost interest in it in about ten minutes, but she actually rode a few feet during that time. Please excuse my really dumb cheer at the end. Am I the only one who hates how I sound on video?

Emma's attempt to ride without training wheels from Erin Sweeney on Vimeo.

6. I've got this giant to-do list I'm working on (which I might have mentioned before) and now have 3 weeks to get it all done. Today I was able to cross some things off it. One of them being the mess of cords under the computer desk. Now why it seemed like a good idea to sit under said desk three weeks before having a baby, I don't know. But having the cords all neat and wrapped up makes me happy.

7. I hate doing laundry. And each time I do it now, I think about how I will have even more with a fifth person in our family.

8. My girls are going to think this is the best week ever because they're having play dates three days this week. Yesterday and today here and Friday at Kelly's. This week is orientation at the preschool and so we're swapping childcare for those not going to orientation. I love my friends.

9. Last week I got my hair cut and colored and brows waxed and it's amazing how much better that makes one feel.

10. My scrapbook area is all cleaned and organized (check that off my list!) and now I'm feeling crafty.


Marie said...

hahaha-yes, can't stand how i sound on video :)

Paige Taylor Evans said...

Boy oh boy he's coming so soon! I'm just a couple weeks behind! Wish I had been exercising as diligently as you...I can barely walk around...

Neighbor Beth said...

I loved the video of Emma without the training wheels..she did great for her first time!