Monday, November 06, 2006

Definitely not a fan of the leaves

So yesterday we decided to put Emma in a pile of leaves. I thought it'd make for some cute pictures. Yeah. She's not a fan. The instant her butt touched the pile she started to cry. Big fat tears rolling down her face. Then Michael got in the leaves with her, holding her so she wasn't actually sitting on any leaves. Yeah, didn't work. She absolutely hated it. It was a good idea though, right?


darcy said...

I don't think she is going to help you rake leave when she gets old enough. =/ BUT, this is the first time I've seen a pic of her crying! She actually cries?? Cuz I'm pretty sure she's the happiest baby I've ever seen. Seriously.

Marie said...

tee hee-she is still adorable when she cries :)

Anonymous said...

lol! i love these pics! :)

Anonymous said...

you guys are so mean! haha!! we did that to aislin when she was a baby- she actually liked it!