Thursday, June 15, 2006

4 months!

Emma is 4 months old today. Took some really cute pictures of her today. Shelby actually took the first, I took the second. The headband kept falling down so it looked more like a sweatband than an adorable hair piece! She goes for her 4 month checkup next week - can't wait for more shots! ;) I'm anxious to see how much she weighs. She's got quite the belly and rolls on her! She's learned to take her binky out and put it back in by herself. She hasnt' rolled over, but gets up on her side a lot. And thankfully, she no longer minds being on her stomach so much. Still, her favorite thing is being held standing up, facing outward so she can see everything. It's very cool now how she recognizes us. She gets a big grin when she sees us. And boy does she like her tongue! She's constantly sticking it out. Yesterday in the car, she made a new noise - she made the raspberry sound. Very exciting. :) Anyway - here are the pictures!


Here's Emma with Shelby this afternoon. Notice the different outfit. It was actually outfit number 3. Pooped on the first, spit up on the second. And eventually she spit up all over this one too! She's now in PJs. I got Emma this tiger baseball hat at Gymboree yesterday. Yes, it's a boy's hat. But since Michael coachs the Tigers - it very fitting! How cute is she in it?

And this was last night. She's so tiny in out big chair! And see her without the remote - already clicker hog. Ha ha!
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darcy said...

Oh my gosh.. got the email and had to come here to see more pic!! She is ADORABLE!!!! Man, what a cutie!!!

Looks like that chair could eat her up!! She's so tiny in it!!

Rebekah said...

4 months!!! oh my! :) she is so adorable, erin! just love her! and the pics in the chair are super cute! *lol* she's just like her daddy hangin' on to that remote! hahaha! :)

Kirsten said...

She is adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.