Friday, February 15, 2013

Project Life 2013, weeks 1 and 2

Okay, so it’s taken me a while to post these, but they’ve been done! I’ve discovered doing two weeks at a time is working well for me. I’ve got a couple things to do to finish up weeks 3 and 4 and have already started on the pictures for weeks 5 and 6.

Week 1
week 1 spread

Week 1, left side
week 1 left

Week 1, right side.
week 1 right

Week 2
week 2 spread
Week 2, left side
week 2 left
Week 2, right side.

I’m loving the Seafoam kit. It’s made putting the weeks together very easy. I’ve only added other cards a couple times. I’ve been keeping it very simple and it’s coming together much quicker than last year!