It's only taken me one year and nine months, but I finally figured out how to get video off my camera and onto my computer. Well actually, I think I've always downloaded it, but I could never find it and play it. But tonight, I did. :) Here's Emma running around the gym at the fitness center.You will now be able to see why we take her there - it's to let out all that energy. The child never stops!
Did ya notice the giant bandage on her chin? She fell going up the stairs Wednesday and busted open her chin. No stitches required, but there's going to be nice little scar.
Did anyone watch How I Met Your Mother Tonight? Did you watch the very end and see Barney posting to his blog - it was a flashback to Doogie! They even had the music playing. That was a nice little flashback. I loved Doogie.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Finally getting to the Easter recap. Only took a week, which really isn't too bad for me!
Easter was a very busy day. We had nursery duty at church, so we got there at 8:30 to attend the first service then worked the next two services. Which meant we didn't leave until 12:50. Emma certainly didn't mind being there the whole time, she loves going to church and, as she says, "play with toys." (We made some progress with that today though, when I asked what she did in church today she said "play with toys," and when I asked what else she said, "Learn about Jesus.") After church, we picked up my mom at our house then headed to Michael's parent's house where we had lunch. Althea hid some eggs for Emma to find which she was really into. Until she figured out there were animal crackers in them. Then she just wanted to open them and eat the crackers. The girl really likes her food. When we got home, Emma searched for the Easter baskets, both her's and Mackenzie's. It was quite the year for Easter baskets, as both girls got four - from us, my mom, Michael's mom and my sister. Emma was loving it.
Our family picture. Emma had a sweater on initially, it was only in the 30's, but took it off not long after we got there.
Emma finding an animal cracker.
Mackenzie that evening. I had taken off her tights, bloomers and sweater because I was about to put her in her jammies when I realized I hadn't taken a picture of her yet. Didn't get a good one of Emma either, but that's typical considering she rarely sits still.
Easter was a very busy day. We had nursery duty at church, so we got there at 8:30 to attend the first service then worked the next two services. Which meant we didn't leave until 12:50. Emma certainly didn't mind being there the whole time, she loves going to church and, as she says, "play with toys." (We made some progress with that today though, when I asked what she did in church today she said "play with toys," and when I asked what else she said, "Learn about Jesus.") After church, we picked up my mom at our house then headed to Michael's parent's house where we had lunch. Althea hid some eggs for Emma to find which she was really into. Until she figured out there were animal crackers in them. Then she just wanted to open them and eat the crackers. The girl really likes her food. When we got home, Emma searched for the Easter baskets, both her's and Mackenzie's. It was quite the year for Easter baskets, as both girls got four - from us, my mom, Michael's mom and my sister. Emma was loving it.
Our family picture. Emma had a sweater on initially, it was only in the 30's, but took it off not long after we got there.
Emma finding an animal cracker.
Mackenzie that evening. I had taken off her tights, bloomers and sweater because I was about to put her in her jammies when I realized I hadn't taken a picture of her yet. Didn't get a good one of Emma either, but that's typical considering she rarely sits still.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
My layouts thank you, Stacy
Meet my scrapbook albums. (Just ignore the temporary dymo labels, eventually there will be cute permanent labels. It's on my super long to-do list.)
Prior to reading Stacy Julian's Library of Memories book my pages were all stored in boring, mismatched albums, by year. And while it worked well enough it didn't really feel right to me. Then I read her book. And I got very excited. It was like a light bulb went off. I immediately had to reorganize all my albums. That I "had" to get all new, very cute, coordinating albums was a bonus.
(Funny story - when I explained to Michael how Stacy organized her albums, he looked at my and said "Well yeah, isn't that how you do it? That's how I'd do it." Yes, honey, of course it is.)
Going through my pages and putting them into new categories made me feel good. I enjoyed my pages all over again in a whole new way. And it made me think of my pictures in a new way too. I'm currently in the process of organizing my photos The Library of Memories way. Granted, I started it two years ago, but one day, I'm sure I'll finish. Reorganizing thousands of pictures is a tad overwhelming, after all. But I'm excited to finally have my pictures all organized and easily accessable. I know it'll help me start scrapping some of my older pictures. To tell stories that I otherwise wouldn't get to. To showcase pictures that would otherwise be forgotten.
Eventually I'll even get to that page of my childhood pet dog, Rosie, I've been planning to do. See, I'd like to do one page with pictures from throughout Rosie's 16 years. But that would now require going through 16 years of pictures and let's be honest. I'm not doing that. BUT, when I finally get my pictures all organized, all I'll have to do is go to my pet category, pull out the pictures of Rosie and get scrapping. :)
Thank you Stacy, for changing the way I scapbook. Good luck to you!
PS, in case you hadn't heard, Stacy is stepping down from her editorial role at Simple Scrapbooks and you can read more about it both on Simple's blog and Stacy's.
Prior to reading Stacy Julian's Library of Memories book my pages were all stored in boring, mismatched albums, by year. And while it worked well enough it didn't really feel right to me. Then I read her book. And I got very excited. It was like a light bulb went off. I immediately had to reorganize all my albums. That I "had" to get all new, very cute, coordinating albums was a bonus.
(Funny story - when I explained to Michael how Stacy organized her albums, he looked at my and said "Well yeah, isn't that how you do it? That's how I'd do it." Yes, honey, of course it is.)
Going through my pages and putting them into new categories made me feel good. I enjoyed my pages all over again in a whole new way. And it made me think of my pictures in a new way too. I'm currently in the process of organizing my photos The Library of Memories way. Granted, I started it two years ago, but one day, I'm sure I'll finish. Reorganizing thousands of pictures is a tad overwhelming, after all. But I'm excited to finally have my pictures all organized and easily accessable. I know it'll help me start scrapping some of my older pictures. To tell stories that I otherwise wouldn't get to. To showcase pictures that would otherwise be forgotten.
Eventually I'll even get to that page of my childhood pet dog, Rosie, I've been planning to do. See, I'd like to do one page with pictures from throughout Rosie's 16 years. But that would now require going through 16 years of pictures and let's be honest. I'm not doing that. BUT, when I finally get my pictures all organized, all I'll have to do is go to my pet category, pull out the pictures of Rosie and get scrapping. :)
Thank you Stacy, for changing the way I scapbook. Good luck to you!
PS, in case you hadn't heard, Stacy is stepping down from her editorial role at Simple Scrapbooks and you can read more about it both on Simple's blog and Stacy's.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Charlie's here!
Marie, BJ and Lily welcomed Charles Oscar into the world today. So excited for my friend. I can't wait to meet the little guy.
Since I don't have a picture of Charlie yet, Here is one of Marie with Mackenzie last week instead.
Since I don't have a picture of Charlie yet, Here is one of Marie with Mackenzie last week instead.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Miss Mackenzie
So I started this post last Monday, saved it, and never came back to it. But before I get to Easter, I wanted to get this up. So without any further delay, Mackenzie and the rice cereal:

We started rice cereal on the 12th, and since then have introduced bananas (her favorite), carrots (just okay) and sweet potatoes (loves them). She doesn't really care for the rice cereal, so we switched to oatmeal today and that went over better.
We started rice cereal on the 12th, and since then have introduced bananas (her favorite), carrots (just okay) and sweet potatoes (loves them). She doesn't really care for the rice cereal, so we switched to oatmeal today and that went over better.
Here's Mackenzie's Chicken. This is the best baby toy ever. Given to Mackenzie by Abby and Marty, she loves it. Chews on it every day until the "feathers" and dripping slobber. This was the first object she switched from one hand to the other, as well. That was at the beginning of the month when we were out to dinner. I was so excited that I witnessed it, but then forgot to write down the date. (Pictures from 3/13/08)

Love her big blue eyes. I've been messing around with the manual settings on my camera and have managed to get some good pictures. Which inside my house is very had to do. It's so dark that I always used the flash. But as long as my subject sits still, I discovered I actually don't need it. Which means with Emma, I'll always need it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Meet Malachi
This is my new nephew. :) Abby and Marty are adopting Malachi from Uganda. Abby is heading over there next month for the first week-long visit - yeah!
Malachi is 7 months old, only 2 months younger than Claire. Abby and Marty are going to have their hands full! We are so excited for them and can't wait to meet Malachi.

Malachi is 7 months old, only 2 months younger than Claire. Abby and Marty are going to have their hands full! We are so excited for them and can't wait to meet Malachi.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
The Big Storm/Winter Wallop
So, we've got a lot of snow outside. Like 20 inches of snow. It started snowing Friday and didn't stop until late Saturday night/early Sunday. And apparently, you can't have a snow storm with out having a catchy name. One channel was calling it The Big Storm while another was calling it The Winter Wallop. Seriously. They were telling people not to go out, to stay off the roads, libraries and restaurants were closed. Pretty much every church cancelled services this morning. But lots of snow means lots of fun for Emma.
Yesterday morning around 11 we saw our neighbors across the street were out and of course Emma wanted to go play with Caroline. So we headed our for a bit. (Yes, I realize we are missing one child. I only went out for a short time to take some pictures and then came back in. Mackenzie hung out in her bouncy seat. She had just woken up and I was hoping she'd fall back asleep but she didn't.)
The top picture is Emma running to me with her snow pants, she was so anxious to get outside. Emma got stuck in a the snow by their steps, which was pretty funny. Their driveway was icy in some spots. Both Michael and Emma wiped out and I almost did. Michael brought Emma's sled over and Emma mostly just wanted to pull Caroline around. Which she did pretty easily. As she would say, "So strong!"
I took the bottom right picture as I was walking over.

Then around five, Michael needed to snowblow again, for the third time, so he and Emma headed out. The bottom left picture is the view from our living room. You couldn't see anything. Emma was very helpful and brought the mail to me as I waited in the garage. I was surprised the mail even came, our road was so snow covered. You couldn't even see it.

Then we thought it'd be a good idea to get pizza. In The Big Storm when they were saying not to go out. In our minivan. Here's Michael going to get it. As you can see, not the best road conditions.

I don't have a picture of him coming back, because he got stuck in the road right about where he is there and I had to go out and drive the car while he pushed. (Beth across the street saw us and came over and stayed with the girls. They were each in their rooms so they were okay, but that was really nice of her.) Thankfully, two city Parks and Rec trucks with plows stopped and helped it him push. It was going well enough when we saw a tow truck coming. He was coming towards us and stopped behind the two trucks. Now, they were blocking the road while helping us, but hey, there's not exactly a lot of traffic. Well, Mr. Tow Truck Driver wanted to get by. And instead of nicely saying "I've got to go get a car out of a ditch, could you please move?" He started yelling "Move Your Trucks!" Michael said they were just trying to help us. He said he didn't care. Told them to move their trucks again. They said they were trying to help. Same answer.
Not that he had to, but he could've easily turned around and gone back up the hill and around, there were other ways to get to where he had to go. Michael told him to relax. He said "What'd you say?" And started toward Michael. I think 50-year-old Mr. Meanie wanted to fight my husband. He was going nuts. He then threatened to call the cops. Okay, call the cops. What are they going to do? We're stuck in the road in front of our house. Maybe the cop will help us push. Mind you, he never once offered to help. We didn't expect him to since we didn't call him and he had somewhere to be, but he could've generically offered.
So they moved their trucks down to the cul-de-sac. He followed, and proceeded to tell them not to help us and let us get ourselves unstuck. Nice, huh? He left, the two guys came back. One had plowed the road in front of us and helped to push again but we weren't moving. The one guy said he knew Meanie because his company is contracted by the city to do their towing. He said he was going to call about him. I said I would too. They finally had to leave. A few minutes later I was in the wrong lane since that was plowed trying to get up the hill when another truck came. Great. This guy was nice he waited until I reversed out of the way then came up next to us and stopped. He said he would've pulled us up if he had a chain but he didn't. It was very nice of him to offer though. Unlike Mr. Tow Truck Driver. Eventually, I backed down the cul-de-sac and got in the driveway. Whew!
Once we got in, I immediately called the towing company. The guy who answered was very nice. I explained to him everything that happened, from Meanie's anger and impatience to starting towards Michael to telling those guys not to help us. I said I understand he was probably stressed with all the snow - to which he replied they'd been working 3 straight days - but that that wasn't an excuse. He knew who I was talking about since he'd just sent him our way and apologized many times. He thanked me for calling, said "If you don't call, there's no way for us to know." Afterward I felt bad because I don't want the driver to get fired but I definitely want him to be reprimanded. I never in my life have encountered someone that acted like that. It was so crazy.
These pictures of our deck/backyard are from today. I guess I shouldn't be so surprised, it was The Big Storm/Winter Wallop, after all.

And finally, Michael and Emma playing outside after lunch today.

PS, Yes Missy, we got the pizza. :)
Yesterday morning around 11 we saw our neighbors across the street were out and of course Emma wanted to go play with Caroline. So we headed our for a bit. (Yes, I realize we are missing one child. I only went out for a short time to take some pictures and then came back in. Mackenzie hung out in her bouncy seat. She had just woken up and I was hoping she'd fall back asleep but she didn't.)
The top picture is Emma running to me with her snow pants, she was so anxious to get outside. Emma got stuck in a the snow by their steps, which was pretty funny. Their driveway was icy in some spots. Both Michael and Emma wiped out and I almost did. Michael brought Emma's sled over and Emma mostly just wanted to pull Caroline around. Which she did pretty easily. As she would say, "So strong!"
I took the bottom right picture as I was walking over.

Then around five, Michael needed to snowblow again, for the third time, so he and Emma headed out. The bottom left picture is the view from our living room. You couldn't see anything. Emma was very helpful and brought the mail to me as I waited in the garage. I was surprised the mail even came, our road was so snow covered. You couldn't even see it.

Then we thought it'd be a good idea to get pizza. In The Big Storm when they were saying not to go out. In our minivan. Here's Michael going to get it. As you can see, not the best road conditions.
I don't have a picture of him coming back, because he got stuck in the road right about where he is there and I had to go out and drive the car while he pushed. (Beth across the street saw us and came over and stayed with the girls. They were each in their rooms so they were okay, but that was really nice of her.) Thankfully, two city Parks and Rec trucks with plows stopped and helped it him push. It was going well enough when we saw a tow truck coming. He was coming towards us and stopped behind the two trucks. Now, they were blocking the road while helping us, but hey, there's not exactly a lot of traffic. Well, Mr. Tow Truck Driver wanted to get by. And instead of nicely saying "I've got to go get a car out of a ditch, could you please move?" He started yelling "Move Your Trucks!" Michael said they were just trying to help us. He said he didn't care. Told them to move their trucks again. They said they were trying to help. Same answer.
Not that he had to, but he could've easily turned around and gone back up the hill and around, there were other ways to get to where he had to go. Michael told him to relax. He said "What'd you say?" And started toward Michael. I think 50-year-old Mr. Meanie wanted to fight my husband. He was going nuts. He then threatened to call the cops. Okay, call the cops. What are they going to do? We're stuck in the road in front of our house. Maybe the cop will help us push. Mind you, he never once offered to help. We didn't expect him to since we didn't call him and he had somewhere to be, but he could've generically offered.
So they moved their trucks down to the cul-de-sac. He followed, and proceeded to tell them not to help us and let us get ourselves unstuck. Nice, huh? He left, the two guys came back. One had plowed the road in front of us and helped to push again but we weren't moving. The one guy said he knew Meanie because his company is contracted by the city to do their towing. He said he was going to call about him. I said I would too. They finally had to leave. A few minutes later I was in the wrong lane since that was plowed trying to get up the hill when another truck came. Great. This guy was nice he waited until I reversed out of the way then came up next to us and stopped. He said he would've pulled us up if he had a chain but he didn't. It was very nice of him to offer though. Unlike Mr. Tow Truck Driver. Eventually, I backed down the cul-de-sac and got in the driveway. Whew!
Once we got in, I immediately called the towing company. The guy who answered was very nice. I explained to him everything that happened, from Meanie's anger and impatience to starting towards Michael to telling those guys not to help us. I said I understand he was probably stressed with all the snow - to which he replied they'd been working 3 straight days - but that that wasn't an excuse. He knew who I was talking about since he'd just sent him our way and apologized many times. He thanked me for calling, said "If you don't call, there's no way for us to know." Afterward I felt bad because I don't want the driver to get fired but I definitely want him to be reprimanded. I never in my life have encountered someone that acted like that. It was so crazy.
These pictures of our deck/backyard are from today. I guess I shouldn't be so surprised, it was The Big Storm/Winter Wallop, after all.

And finally, Michael and Emma playing outside after lunch today.
PS, Yes Missy, we got the pizza. :)
Friday, March 07, 2008
Emma 3/6/08 8:30 am - 9:00 am
Hello Erin. Be careful. (said as we were coming down the stairs.)
Lick the fingers? (while eating bananas)
Mommy eat Pop Tart. (no thanks)
Go get the paper. (not yet)
Mommy color. (said while making this list)
Napkin. It's mine!
Mommy color.
All done.
Drink the bottle. (to Mackenzie)
I got it! I got it! Strawberry milk! All done.
Mommy color.
Baby color.
Mommy sing baby color.
"baby color" (singing)
Mine Mine Mine Mine. (holding cup)
Carolines! (pointing to her own cup)
Mommy eat banana. (okay)
Daddy's home. (no, he's not)
Mommy's home. (yep)
Mommy's milk. (yep again)
"A B C D H I J" (singing)
That's a "B"!
Yours! (pointing to her own cup)
Oh, there is yours! (She says yours when she really means mine. I say "go get your cup" so then she thinks your means my. Does that make sense?)
I see yours. (mine)
Watch Backyardigans? Okay.
Go get it.
That's hard!
I jump. (over burp rag)
Next. (over hat)
3. Jump! (she skipped 1,2)
Great job! Great job! Great job! Great job! (clapping)
1,2,3 Jump the hat!
I jump the hat.
"do do do do" (singing)
Through tunnel.
Emma through tunnel. (going under my arm)
That's mine. Mine!
Mine pen. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. (actually, it was mine)
2. 10. (skipped a few numbers)
Catch. (holding mini bucket)
In there? (putting toys in it)
Car in there. (putting car in it)
Go go go go turn! (talking to car)
Beep beep.
Oh no!!! (a crash, perhaps?)
This one.
This one goes around.
Snowing. (looking out the window. snow on ground, not actually snowing) Ok. (I asked if she wanted to take a bath)
Take clothes off.
Take a bath!
What are you doin' down there? (when I didn't come upstairs fast enough)
I've said it before. She never shuts up. She actually said even more than this, but I couldn't write fast enough.
Some other funny things Emma has said/done lately:
-If she's upstairs she'll look down and say "what are you doin' down there?" And vice versa.
-I was doing her hair Wednesday, which most of the time she doesn't care for, and she started yelling "don't want it! don't want it! no!" Yep, she's finally saying "no."
-She'll run around in a circle singing "wheels on the bus go round and round"
-When saying her ABCs she sings "A B C D H I J...." She skips about half of the rest of the letters, too.
-Everything is blue.
-When counting, it's usually 1,2,3,6,7,8.
-She's starting to count in Spanish. One example, we always count the stairs when climbing them and I was counting in Spanish, when we go to the top she said "ocho" before I could.
-She wakes up quite often in the middle of the night wanting chocolate milk. I go get it for her and once she has it she goes right back to sleep. Rarely does she drink it. According to the ped, it's a comfort thing.
-She's very loving now. All day long it's "I love you Mommy. Miss me Mommy. Mommy hold you." Lots of hugs and kisses and hand holding.
-She doesn't get pronoun usage. Example - when I go to get the mail, I'll say "Emma, come watch me" and she'll run to the door saying "Emma watch me" instead of "Emma watch you." When she wants me to hold her she'll put her arms around my legs and say "Mommy hold you" because she hears me say "Do you want Mommy to hold you?" Miss me Mommy? That's from me saying "did you miss me?"
-She loves everything. Seriously. Random things will get the "I love ___! I love it! I love it!"
-Is finally recognizing more letters thanks to "Super Why" on PBS. Very cool show. She only knew B for the longest time, then added I. This morning she recognized M and O on the show. Then she thought T was I and C was O but I can see where that'd be confusing.
Living with Emma is never boring. :)
Lick the fingers? (while eating bananas)
Mommy eat Pop Tart. (no thanks)
Go get the paper. (not yet)
Mommy color. (said while making this list)
Napkin. It's mine!
Mommy color.
All done.
Drink the bottle. (to Mackenzie)
I got it! I got it! Strawberry milk! All done.
Mommy color.
Baby color.
Mommy sing baby color.
"baby color" (singing)
Mine Mine Mine Mine. (holding cup)
Carolines! (pointing to her own cup)
Mommy eat banana. (okay)
Daddy's home. (no, he's not)
Mommy's home. (yep)
Mommy's milk. (yep again)
"A B C D H I J" (singing)
That's a "B"!
Yours! (pointing to her own cup)
Oh, there is yours! (She says yours when she really means mine. I say "go get your cup" so then she thinks your means my. Does that make sense?)
I see yours. (mine)
Watch Backyardigans? Okay.
Go get it.
That's hard!
I jump. (over burp rag)
Next. (over hat)
3. Jump! (she skipped 1,2)
Great job! Great job! Great job! Great job! (clapping)
1,2,3 Jump the hat!
I jump the hat.
"do do do do" (singing)
Through tunnel.
Emma through tunnel. (going under my arm)
That's mine. Mine!
Mine pen. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. (actually, it was mine)
2. 10. (skipped a few numbers)
Catch. (holding mini bucket)
In there? (putting toys in it)
Car in there. (putting car in it)
Go go go go turn! (talking to car)
Beep beep.
Oh no!!! (a crash, perhaps?)
This one.
This one goes around.
Snowing. (looking out the window. snow on ground, not actually snowing) Ok. (I asked if she wanted to take a bath)
Take clothes off.
Take a bath!
What are you doin' down there? (when I didn't come upstairs fast enough)
I've said it before. She never shuts up. She actually said even more than this, but I couldn't write fast enough.
Some other funny things Emma has said/done lately:
-If she's upstairs she'll look down and say "what are you doin' down there?" And vice versa.
-I was doing her hair Wednesday, which most of the time she doesn't care for, and she started yelling "don't want it! don't want it! no!" Yep, she's finally saying "no."
-She'll run around in a circle singing "wheels on the bus go round and round"
-When saying her ABCs she sings "A B C D H I J...." She skips about half of the rest of the letters, too.
-Everything is blue.
-When counting, it's usually 1,2,3,6,7,8.
-She's starting to count in Spanish. One example, we always count the stairs when climbing them and I was counting in Spanish, when we go to the top she said "ocho" before I could.
-She wakes up quite often in the middle of the night wanting chocolate milk. I go get it for her and once she has it she goes right back to sleep. Rarely does she drink it. According to the ped, it's a comfort thing.
-She's very loving now. All day long it's "I love you Mommy. Miss me Mommy. Mommy hold you." Lots of hugs and kisses and hand holding.
-She doesn't get pronoun usage. Example - when I go to get the mail, I'll say "Emma, come watch me" and she'll run to the door saying "Emma watch me" instead of "Emma watch you." When she wants me to hold her she'll put her arms around my legs and say "Mommy hold you" because she hears me say "Do you want Mommy to hold you?" Miss me Mommy? That's from me saying "did you miss me?"
-She loves everything. Seriously. Random things will get the "I love ___! I love it! I love it!"
-Is finally recognizing more letters thanks to "Super Why" on PBS. Very cool show. She only knew B for the longest time, then added I. This morning she recognized M and O on the show. Then she thought T was I and C was O but I can see where that'd be confusing.
Living with Emma is never boring. :)
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Tag, you're it
I was tagged by Tina
this morning. So here are the rules:
The rules: Link to your tagger and post these 3 rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here we go...
1. My first name is Alycea, courtesy of my sister Tara who named me after Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons. In elementary school I would use both. One day I'd write Erin on a paper the next day Alycea until my second grade teacher Mrs. Cole told me I had to pick a name. So I chose Erin.
2. I can't sleep with socks on. But I can't take them off before I get in bed. I have to take them off once I'm in bed, covered up and have been there for a few minutes. Then I take them off with my feet and shove them down to the bottom. Drives Michael crazy when a sock creeps over to his side of the bed.
3. When I tell a story I have to act things out - hand gestures, voice changes, the whole shebang. Michael and I were just discussing this last night in the care - right after I acted out something Emma had done that day.
4. When I go to the grocery store my cart has to stay nice and organized. All the frozen stuff together, boxed items, etc. Everything lined up and stacked neatly. I can't just throw things in there. Then when it's time to check out, I have to put like items together again, also neat and organized. I can't stand it when I see carts when stuff thrown in all haphazard like.
5. Sometimes I can't read my handwriting. More than once I've left the grocery store without something I needed because I couldn't read the list.
6. I lose stuff. A lot. Which goes along with me being very forgetful. Like walk downstairs to get something, do something else, and go back upstairs without the item I went to get in the first place. I make lists so I don't forget to do something and then lose the list.
7. I like to recycle. We recycle pretty much everything we can. I really need to call and get another recycling bin because ours is overflowing every week. I've been meaning to do that since fall. I bought some reusable bags for the grocery store, although I leave them in the car a lot.(See number 6.) I save all gift bags and tissue paper to reuse them. Can't tell ya the last time I bought either. Next up is replacing our lightbulbs with those energy-efficient bulbs. Can't remember what they're called. (Again, see number 6.)
I tag:
(Marie, I'm not tagging you because I'm hoping you'll be too busy having a baby to respond!)
And because all posts need pictures (at least mine do) here is my cutie pie niece Claire on Sunday eating spaghetti. She'll be 10 months old on the 10th.
Emma, shoving a giant spoon of ice cream in her mouth.
And on the way home, asleep, obviously exhausted from all that ice cream eating.
this morning. So here are the rules:
The rules: Link to your tagger and post these 3 rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here we go...
1. My first name is Alycea, courtesy of my sister Tara who named me after Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons. In elementary school I would use both. One day I'd write Erin on a paper the next day Alycea until my second grade teacher Mrs. Cole told me I had to pick a name. So I chose Erin.
2. I can't sleep with socks on. But I can't take them off before I get in bed. I have to take them off once I'm in bed, covered up and have been there for a few minutes. Then I take them off with my feet and shove them down to the bottom. Drives Michael crazy when a sock creeps over to his side of the bed.
3. When I tell a story I have to act things out - hand gestures, voice changes, the whole shebang. Michael and I were just discussing this last night in the care - right after I acted out something Emma had done that day.
4. When I go to the grocery store my cart has to stay nice and organized. All the frozen stuff together, boxed items, etc. Everything lined up and stacked neatly. I can't just throw things in there. Then when it's time to check out, I have to put like items together again, also neat and organized. I can't stand it when I see carts when stuff thrown in all haphazard like.
5. Sometimes I can't read my handwriting. More than once I've left the grocery store without something I needed because I couldn't read the list.
6. I lose stuff. A lot. Which goes along with me being very forgetful. Like walk downstairs to get something, do something else, and go back upstairs without the item I went to get in the first place. I make lists so I don't forget to do something and then lose the list.
7. I like to recycle. We recycle pretty much everything we can. I really need to call and get another recycling bin because ours is overflowing every week. I've been meaning to do that since fall. I bought some reusable bags for the grocery store, although I leave them in the car a lot.(See number 6.) I save all gift bags and tissue paper to reuse them. Can't tell ya the last time I bought either. Next up is replacing our lightbulbs with those energy-efficient bulbs. Can't remember what they're called. (Again, see number 6.)
I tag:
(Marie, I'm not tagging you because I'm hoping you'll be too busy having a baby to respond!)
And because all posts need pictures (at least mine do) here is my cutie pie niece Claire on Sunday eating spaghetti. She'll be 10 months old on the 10th.
Emma, shoving a giant spoon of ice cream in her mouth.
And on the way home, asleep, obviously exhausted from all that ice cream eating.
Monday, March 03, 2008
She's 4 months old with Pink Eye
Yes, that's right. Pink eye is back in our house. No clue where Mackenzie picked it up. We noticed a little bit of eye gunk Saturday but didn't think much of it. Sunday morning her right eye had so much gunk in it she couldn't even open it. Here eyelashes were stuck together. I called the pediatrician and since I knew what it was (there was no mistaking it) and had eye drops left over from when Emma had it in January, I didn't have to take her in. Thankfully, our pediatrician practice had 4 offices and one of them is always open on Sundays, so if we had to, we could have. So we started her on them yesterday and already it's looking better. Less gunk this morning.
Took these pictures Saturday.
And this one this morning. Can't even tell she's got pink eye - which amazes me. Yesterday it was swollen and red all around it with lots of gunk.
Her 4 month check up is next week. I'm anxious to see how much she's grown. My guess is she's around 12 pounds, so we'll see. She's a very happy baby. She rolls up on her side all the time. We think she'll roll over sooner than Emma. Although now that I think about it, it'll have to be soon because Emma rolled over at 4 1/2 months. By rolling up on her side, she moves all over the floor and her crib. She gets up on her side, turns a bit, lays back down and repeats. It was funny the first time I noticed her. I'd put her down in one spot and 10 minutes later she'd turned 180degrees and moved half way over the play mat.
We stopped nursing last week, and she didn't really seem to care. She's slept on her back in the crib the last two nights, so hopefully we're done with the bouncy seat for good. Although really, if we have to go back to it, I don't mind. As long as she sleeps well. And that she does. She usually naps for about an hour in the morning, although when she does that depends on when she wakes up. Then she takes a 2 to 3 hour nap in the afternoon. She goes to bed between 8 - 9 pm and will sleep until 7 - 8 am. She usally wakes up wanting her binky once or twice and goes right back to sleep. Sometimes she wants to eat around 5 other times she doesn't eat until 7:30, like this morning. For four months old, I can't complain!
Mackenzie is a hand/finger sucker. She likes her binky too, especially at night. But she loves to put her fingers in her mouth. Sometimes she gags her self and has even spit up because of it. You should see the drool that comes out of her mouth when she's doing this. Earlier this morning the entire front of her sleeper was soaked. While we pretty much missed the acne, she only had a touch of it, she's got a lot of cradle cap. It's starting to creep onto her forehead now. At least it doesn't smell. Emma's stunk. Gross, I know.
Mackenzie is just a very happy and content baby. Not a lot of crying, just likes to hang out and watch what's going on. One thing is for sure, she'll be tough. She has to be with Emma as her big sister!
Took these pictures Saturday.
And this one this morning. Can't even tell she's got pink eye - which amazes me. Yesterday it was swollen and red all around it with lots of gunk.
Her 4 month check up is next week. I'm anxious to see how much she's grown. My guess is she's around 12 pounds, so we'll see. She's a very happy baby. She rolls up on her side all the time. We think she'll roll over sooner than Emma. Although now that I think about it, it'll have to be soon because Emma rolled over at 4 1/2 months. By rolling up on her side, she moves all over the floor and her crib. She gets up on her side, turns a bit, lays back down and repeats. It was funny the first time I noticed her. I'd put her down in one spot and 10 minutes later she'd turned 180degrees and moved half way over the play mat.
We stopped nursing last week, and she didn't really seem to care. She's slept on her back in the crib the last two nights, so hopefully we're done with the bouncy seat for good. Although really, if we have to go back to it, I don't mind. As long as she sleeps well. And that she does. She usually naps for about an hour in the morning, although when she does that depends on when she wakes up. Then she takes a 2 to 3 hour nap in the afternoon. She goes to bed between 8 - 9 pm and will sleep until 7 - 8 am. She usally wakes up wanting her binky once or twice and goes right back to sleep. Sometimes she wants to eat around 5 other times she doesn't eat until 7:30, like this morning. For four months old, I can't complain!
Mackenzie is a hand/finger sucker. She likes her binky too, especially at night. But she loves to put her fingers in her mouth. Sometimes she gags her self and has even spit up because of it. You should see the drool that comes out of her mouth when she's doing this. Earlier this morning the entire front of her sleeper was soaked. While we pretty much missed the acne, she only had a touch of it, she's got a lot of cradle cap. It's starting to creep onto her forehead now. At least it doesn't smell. Emma's stunk. Gross, I know.
Mackenzie is just a very happy and content baby. Not a lot of crying, just likes to hang out and watch what's going on. One thing is for sure, she'll be tough. She has to be with Emma as her big sister!
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