Last week, Emma and I went with my mom to visit my Grandma and other family in Virginia. We stayed at my Uncle Hugh's and had a great week seeing everyone. The following posts recap our week, but they are in a completely random order, with pictures from different days posted together, and the same days spread throughout the various posts. You can blame Picasa/Blogger for this (since I couldn't upload them all at once) - I did. :)
Emma sleep smiles. I caught this on the way home at a Wendy's.
We went with Regina to Durham NC to go shopping. There was this really neat indoor/outdoor mall. Of course it was raining, so we didn't really enjoy the outdoor part too much!
Emma is usually so good at restaurants, but she had a major meltdown Wednesday night. We went to dinner with my Mom's cousins Reginia and Georgia Brann and my Aunt Shirley. The meltdown wore her out, and she slept like this in my mom's arms for an hour and a half! She was ten weeks old Wednesday!
I love this funny face!